Swirly Bulb Tip that I didn’t know about….

Okay so I heard this tip about swirly bulbs, when you purchase them and put them into the light socket, the very first time you turn the light on you are supposed to leave it run for at least 20 minutes, this “sets” something inside the bulb so that when you go to turn on your light it doesn’t take long to warm up and shine bright. I heard this tip, of course, after I had put numerous bulbs into my house and turned on the light, made sure it worked and minutes later turned them off. Losing the opportunity to optimize the light. So keep this in mind when you first put in any swirly bulb, turn it on and leave it on for at least 20 minutes during the first use.

I couldn’t tell you the accuracy of this “tip”. If anyone has info that denies this claim or if you have also heard that this is true, let us know.

~ by debt2dreams on May 23, 2009.

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